I can't believe this video!!
Products like this used to only be found in the fake commercials of Saturday Night Live back when the show was entertaining. Remember "Colon Blow" bran flakes cereal? Or "Oops, I crapped my pants!" adult undergarments? Yet this product is for real!
Are we, as a people, this fixated on image that even baby diapers need to be associated with celebrity status? Seriously, the tagline says it all -- "The coolest you'll look pooping your pants"
No matter what they look like, they still come out stinking in the end!
And just in case you haven't seen the others I referenced--
"Colon Blow"
"Ooops! I crapped my pants"
House passes bill to block males from competing in girls’ and women’s sports
null / Credit: Pavel1964/Shutterstock
Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 14, 2025 / 18:05 pm (CNA).
A bill to prevent biological males from competing in wome...
13 hours ago