And so it begins... the Ruggiero family has begun this apostolate to bring forward topics of relevance to our lives with a Catholic perspective. We'll focus primarily on the issues that pertain to our family and all families of the world. Our readers are you -- friends, family, and the wandering visitor -- but you're not just a reader, you are a contributor. You will have the opportunity to comment on what we say or respond to what others say. Whether you agree or disagree, we want to hear from you.
You might be asking, "why this?" Well, to be completely honest, I have never been one to have an interest to enter in to the "blogosphere". In fact, I always told myself that I couldn't see myself sharing mindless, miscellaneous details of our life with others, like what kind of pizza we just ordered, the traffic-jam we encountered in town, or idle chat about the fleeting trends of the day (BORING!).
The change of mind has come through prayer... an inner sense that we, as a family, must be willing to actively shine forth the light of Christ by placing our lamp on a lampstand for all to see; not in a way to boast or showcase ourselves, but rather to demonstrate a positive alternative to the lifestyles promoted by secular society. Radiated light is never unsuccessful in displacing the darkness. In a world which will always have darkness due to the fall of man through original sin, we all must be willing to combat the darkness through the expression of Christ's light that exists in all of us.
Naturally, we seek to share Christ's love with all the people that we meet. We may not always be successful in that pursuit, either through our own sin or through missed opportunities. While we continue to pursue those ideals on a daily basis, this apostolate seeks to pair words with our actions.
Therefore, using the technology of our day to engage those we do not have regular contact with (and perhaps have never met), we can do more to reach out to all of God's children (i.e., YOU!). In essence, we can evangelize. We can share our joys and sufferings (and the joys found in suffering). We can stimulate your mind to consider things you won't hear in your regular communication circles. And hopefully, as a result, you will feel compelled to also increase your charitable and loving demonstration of Christ's light to others. Together, we can make a difference in the world.
So come back often and share in the joy of Jesus Christ, our eternal Father in Heaven. Praise be His name forever!
~The Ruggiero Family~
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CNA Staff, Feb 20, 2025 / 16:15 pm (CNA).
The Catholic bishops of Kentucky are backing proposed legislation that...
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